Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today started out so awesome I thought I should share it with you. I want to start off by saying I hate mornings. Dread getting up, wait until the last possible second before I get out of bed, and am usually late because of it. For some reason this morning was a little easier than most and found myself actually being on time.

I wake up Haylee, get her dressed, grab our stuff and head out the door. We are making great time! I am thinking I am actually going to be on time today. Hoorah!!!

We get in the car, I strap Haylee in, jump in the driver’s seat and… where are my keys? I check my purse... not there. I run back inside to check the table... not there. Hmm, where did I put them? Oh, that’s right. Jimmy pulled my car in last night. I wonder where he put them. Why don’t I call him.

Jimmy: Hi honey!
Stacey: Where are my keys?
Jimmy: Did you check the table?
Stacey: Yes!
Jimmy: Did you check your purse?
Stacey: Yes!
Jimmy: Did you check the kitchen counters?
Stacey: Yes! Should I throw everything off of them to double check?
Jimmy: No. What about the coffee table. Did you check there?
Stacey: Yes! Where are my keys???
Jimmy: I don’t know honey I’m not there.
Stacey: Well you had my keys last. Where could they be?
Jimmy: Check my shorts. They shouldn’t be there but check in case.
Stacey: They are not there. Ugh! Goodbye.

I keep looking with no luck. I decide to call him back hoping he remembers where he put them.

Jimmy: Hi.
Stacey: I can’t find my keys. This is ridiculous. I am going to be so late to work.
Jimmy: Giggle, giggle. I don’t know where they could be.
Stacey: You think this is funny!!!! This is not funny! Goodbye.

Next call is to my mom.

Mom: Hi Stacey.
Stacey: Mom I can’t find my keys anywhere. Jimmy had them last and I don’t know where he put them. What am I going to do?
Mom: What about your spare key?
Stacey: We lost that one a long time ago. I am going to be so late!
Mom: Do you want me to come get you?
Stacey: Yes!

Is all I have to say is I feel bad for Haylee at this point. I was so stressed out and she could totally tell and so she started getting fussy too. We get out of the car and go back in the house and wait for my mom. Jimmy keeps calling me and I won’t answer because I am so mad. He doesn’t stop so I finally answer. Here is a rundown of how our conversation went.

Jimmy: Did you find them?
Stacey: No!
Jimmy: I’m coming home to get you.
Stacey: My mom is already on her way. Goodbye.

My mom gets to my house and is trying to help me think of where they could be. She says, Stacey did you check his bathroom? That is usually what men do right before they go to bed. I tell her I already checked there. She tells me to check again. I go for his shorts again and as I pick them up I see something below hidden somewhat underneath a massive collection of magazines. What do ya know… it was my keys!!!

Really? How did they end up there? And furthermore how did my mom know they were there? When will I become psychic? Does it develop at a certain age or when my child reaches a certain age? At this point Haylee is over me and my drama so she wants her Grandma. She won’t come to me. She wants to be with someone nice and calm. Whatever Haylee get in the car! I love mornings like this.

After today I don’t think Jimmy will misplace my keys anytime soon. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like it when psycho Stacey appears. Who knows, maybe he likes it when I am a crazy lunatic.

I would like to end by saying thank you to Haylee for dealing with her mommy this morning and thanks to my mommy for helping me. Good times!

P.S. This picture was taken by Auntie Lesley! Thanks Auntie!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

can i catch a break...

Photo taken by Auntie Kristy.. Thank you Auntie Kristy!

I decided I wanted to take off a little time around the holidays because I haven't taken off any time (other than I have Fridays off which I absolutely love). So I thought what a great idea taking off some time but only using a few vacation days because we are off a few days anyway. So I took off the week of New Year's which ended up being from Thursday 12/25/08 to Sunday 01/04/08. It was awesome!!!!

Haylee and I had so much fun hanging out. We went to Auntie Dara's to see her and the boys and she gave Haylee the coolest little table and chairs for her to sit and color at. Then we had a little photo shoot with Auntie Lesley so she could get some more pictures of Haylee since the first go around didn't go so well (other post to come about her shoot). We also had some momma, daddy and Haylee time since he was off from Thursday 1/1/08 to Sunday. Life couldn't have been better. I was able to sleep in EVERY day until about 8am. I really couldn't ask for more.

So Monday morning came and it was time to go to work. Boo!!! So we head off to Kelly's so I can drop my little bean off and get to work. Let me tell you. It was already getting a little hard dropping her off because she would get fussy, but that did not compare to how she was on Monday. She was wrapping her legs around me so I could not put her down. She would cry when Kelly was trying to take her (and she likes Kelly), and she kept saying "NO WAY"... break my heart, stomp on it, and then throw it in the garbage. It sucked!!! I finally told Kelly to just take her because I had to get to work (and of course was already late) and I left with her crying. Kelly said she stopped soon after I left which is good, but I can't take that everyday. I already hate leaving her as it is, please Haylee... don't make it harder.

I will say today was a little easier thanks to Auntie Kristy. She gave me a toy puppy that talks on Saturday when I saw her and I left it in my car. Today when we got in the car Haylee saw it and immediately wanted it. She was talking with it and laughing at it and when it said "I love you" she said "I love you" back to it. It was so darn cute! So when I got to Kelly's I decided to bring the toy in with us since it was such a hit in the car. She was just hugging it so I set her down and she was fine. Then I walked to the door and told her bye and she just kept hugging the puppy. I think that is her new best friend! Thank you Auntie Kristy... You saved my life today!!

So I am officially done whining and seriously need to get to work. My next post is on her photo shoot because her pictures turned out awesome thanks to her Auntie Lesley... Stay tuned!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

shout out...

Kristy and I at Lesley's baby shower. These were the skinny
days (well at least for me). Kristy is still skinny!!

I just realized I never posted a thank you to my sissy Kristy for re-doing my page. Isn’t it gorgeous? I am not computer savvy, nor do I want to be, so thank goodness my other sissy’s are! I think because I am on a computer at work all day long that is the last thing I want to do for fun at home. That is also why I never post. However, I really am trying to get better so Jimmy, Haylee and I can look back and have vivid memories of our past.

Somehow I steered from my original post. Again, thank you Kristy for all you do for me. I love, love, love my new page. Every time I go to it I love it even more…

BTW, I totally stole this posting idea from Ange. I saw it on her blog and thought what a great idea! Sorry Ange =). Love ya!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

you can do it...

I want to start off by saying I am the worst blogger out of all my sisters. The only reason I am preparing this post right now is because I don't want to hear why I never post again (at least for a little while). My sister Lesley deleted me from her page for goodness sake because I hadn't done a post since February. Who deletes their sister from their blog?? Lesson learned sissy...

Where should I begin? Should I start with how sweet, innocent, intelligent and funny my little girl is or should I get into the temper tantrum fiesty little girl I have? I guess I will start with sweet. Haylee is so sweet. She always gives us kissies when you ask and she even makes the kiss noise (muah) when she gives them. Not as generous with hugs but thats okay. I will take whatever I can get... She is so innocent. I watch her learn new things every day and she gets so excited it makes me laugh. The smallest things intrigue her and I find it fascinating. Anything from finding a leaf on the ground to realizing that she can color on a piece of paper without eating the crayons.

Doesn't she look so sweet and innocent
in this picture? Picture taken by her
Auntie Lesley. Thanks Auntie!

Haylee is so smart. I know we all think our kids are smart, but I really think she is. She is a talker or shall I say mocking bird! Everything we say she says. I can't believe her vocabulary these days. She says things like mommy, dada, water, ba ba, halloween, poo poo, no (of course), pretty, tree, moon, and her latest... I love you! When I tell her I love you sometimes she says it back now and it seriously melts my heart. Jimmy and I are amazed at the things she can say. It is truly amazing how she has gone from a newborn that didn't do anything but eat, cry, sleep and poop to a walking, talking angel. When I tell her let's eat she runs to her highchair screaming EAT.. EAT.. and when I tell her let's change your diaper she runs to her bedroom yelling DIAPER.. DIAPER..

She has learned the art of tantrums. Within the last month she has realized that she can not only cry, but fall to the ground crying while kicking, waving her arms violently and scream all at the same time. The first time she did it Jimmy and I were staring at her and looking at eachother like what do we do? She has been so good for so long we didn't know how to calm our child down. We tried ignoring her and that didn't work so then I tried to help but instead got hit by her vigorous hands so we finally did what any sane parent would do. We tried to distract her by showing her everyone's Christmas lights. Getting her in the car was a little difficult but once we started driving and showed her lights is all she kept saying was lights, lights. So we drove and drove finding as many lights as we could. Let me tell you, these tantrums are so much fun.

Is all I have to say is my mom was a rock star. She took care of her husband and 6 children of which she had by the time she was 30 so we are close in age, and I don't remember her every really freaking out that bad. I do remember her always saying something about wanting to go on a vacation, and we would get all excited wondering where we were going, and then she would mumble something under her breathe about wanting a vacation away from kids, but who can blame her? I surely don't. I'm surprised she is still sane.

This picture is for you mom (for having to put up with
all of us)! This picture is also for Grandma Bea...
Happy Birthday Grandma!!! Picture taken by Auntie
Lesley. Thanks Auntie!!!

I think this post is long enough now. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!