Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How the Tables have Turned...

Ever since Haylee was a baby she has loved her mommy and daddy, but she has pretty much always wanted me to hold her from naptime, and would cry when I would leave. Jimmy has always been the fun, playful daddy. Haylee loves it, but sometimes gets sick of him messing with her and comes running to me. Obviously Jimmy loves that Haylee loves her mommy, but I think sometimes it has hurt his feelings when she always wanted to come to me.

Well, the tables have now turned. All weekend long her new line was "hi daddy". She said it ALL day EVERY day. It is actually really cute the way she says it and I think it makes Jimmy feel good. Then she decided she wanted daddy instead of mommy and opened her arms for him to hold her. After that we had to take him to pick up his blazer. When I dropped him off she started flipping out. Crying and screaming yelling "daddy"!! I think he was in shock. I think I was in shock. It is so precious seeing her addicted to her daddy, but a part of me is sad that she isn't addicted to me anymore... I asked him why she loves him and not me. His answer was "I give her m&m's. If you start giving her m&m's she will love you"! He wasn't even trying to be funny but it cracked me up!

This post is for Jimmy. I want him to know how much his girls love him. I don't know what we would do without his constant humor and playful jokes. He is the best dad and boyfriend a girl could ask for... We love you!

P.S. This picture was taken by my sister Lesley. Isn't she good... BTW, Jimmy isn't going to like me posting this picture. Sorry honey but this is the most recent picture that we have.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

La la la la...

My friend Rachel and I took Haylee to the mall a couple of weeks ago. I don't know about your children but I know little Haylee bean hates her stroller. She cries, whines and pulls to get out. It is rather difficult trying on clothes with her acting the way she does. I managed to get through it and bought a couple shirts and on we went to many other stores.

Rachel kept asking if I wanted her to take Haylee out but I think she just really wanted to hold her so I told her that was fine. Her and Haylee had a great time with each other. Rachel was holding her and letting her walk while holding her hand. Haylee was in heaven. Then all of the sudden she takes off. We go running after her thinking where the heck is she going?? Sure enough there was an Elmo station... That little booth must make loads of money off parents like myself. There was NO WAY I was going to tell my little bean no after she was shaking her booty to the music screaming ELMO! ELMO!! So I got suckered in to a CD that is personalized so Elmo constantly says Haylee throughout the whole CD.

We put it in on the way home and were shaking our heads to the music (Haylee included). That girl LOVES to dance!! The next day I play it again while I am taking her to Kelly's. Elmo starts off by singing his "La la la la"... So Haylee says after him "La la la"!! So cute! Then Elmo says "Haylee, do you know how to get to Sesame Street"?? My little bean says "NO"!! Are you kidding me? It was one of the cutest things I think I have witnessed so far. Man I love that girl!

In case you are wondering if I am satisfied with the Elmo CD I say of course. I will say that it gets old really quick, but I can't help but get satisfaction out of seeing her moving and grooving to it. She definitely runs our house!!